There are services every Sunday morning beginning at 10:45am come meet, worship and join in with us!
Please see our Events page for our Regular Community Calendar Events
We believe that God lovingly calls us, each one, into the community of the church; that there’s something personal and very special about this. But being a Christian is not only about this personal and individual relationship. It is also about being part of God’s community in the Church. We are like a vine which thrives on connection and which withers when cut. We all benefit from the corporate life of the Church, as we hear the Bible read and interpreted, as we receive God’s gifts to us through the sacraments (of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper) and as we share life together. This means that being a Christian in the United Reformed Church will involve being part of a local church where these things can happen and where we can learn from other Christians and help one another grow in faith and understanding.